Insou Blog

4 best practices to upstage stage fright

4 best practices to upstage stage fright

But running away from it isn’t always a possibility. Whether work requires you to speak publicly, or a dear friend asks you to say a few words at their wedding, you’ll probably find yourself in the spotlight on one occasion or another. While bolting might be your first instinct, it isn’t the only or best solution. Fortunately, you can fight stage fright face-to-face. It will be a challenging process, but practice is key to adapting to your fears. At the very least, you will be able to shrink the fear into something less daunting

January 22, 20244 minutes

What gift are you giving to your audience
Become a better presenter -- with a little help from your friends

Become a better presenter -- with a little help from your friends

Getting useful feedback can be a critical step in developing an effective presentation - it can also be harder to find than you might expect. Honest feedback calls on you to be vulnerable, and forces your feedback partner to sometimes deliver difficult constructive criticism. The good news is that this type of deep and authentic feedback can encourage personal growth and a willingness to take creative risks

January 22, 20243 minutes

Perfecting Your Visual Presentations: The Power of Simplicity

Perfecting Your Visual Presentations: The Power of Simplicity

When it comes to giving presentations, whether in person or on a video conference call, the visual elements such as slides, videos, and graphics play a crucial role in conveying your story or idea. This blog post is the first in a series that aims to provide you with valuable tips and tricks to enhance your visual presentations and captivate your audience.

January 22, 20243 minutes

Crafting a 20-Minute Talk: Brevity Meets Impact

Crafting a 20-Minute Talk: Brevity Meets Impact

Your talk isn’t just a talk; it’s a chance to change perspectives, ignite change, and inspire action. Bring your passion, keep it concise, and let's make those 20 minutes count! :star2: Now, go forth and set the stage on fire with your words! :fire:

January 21, 20242 minutes

Unleash Your Inner Speaker: Effective Techniques to Enhance Your Presentation Skills

Unleash Your Inner Speaker: Effective Techniques to Enhance Your Presentation Skills

Mastering the art of public speaking is an ongoing journey that requires practice, preparation, and a willingness to continuously refine your skills. By applying these techniques, using relevant examples, and seeking feedback, you can elevate your presentation skills and become a captivating speaker who leaves a lasting impact on your audience. So go ahead, unleash your inner speaker with confidence and command the stage!

January 21, 20243 minutes

How To Review OKR

How To Review OKR

Reviewing your OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is an essential step in goal-setting, and it helps you evaluate your progress and determine whether you're on track to achieve your goals.

January 21, 20242 minutes

🚅\u00a0Do More or Do Less

🚅 Do More or Do Less

We need to understand that there are few things that really matter, only a few things are of great value, everything else is almost noise, so we need to learn to let go of the noise. the important things come first Learn to reject Clean up regularly Set buffers for conflicts and surprises Stay focused Empty your brain when you're done

January 21, 20243 minutes

Copy Images Directly From Clipboard Into The Editor!

Copy Images Directly From Clipboard Into The Editor!

We're thrilled to announce the latest update to our platform, which brings you a game-changing feature: the ability to copy images directly from your clipboard into the editor! 👋

January 15, 20241 minute